Feature: Access to lvalue in static operator overloads

Manfred Nowak svv1999 at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 9 03:14:09 PDT 2007

GilesBathgate wrote

> In a previous post I was complaining that I could not access the
> lvalue in a static operator overload. 

In D the lvalue of a static operator overload of a class are all 
those entities of the class that are declared static; one can access 
them from within the body of the static operator and use that 
operator in the usual way:

import std.stdio;
class Test
    static char[] Name= "foo";;

    static void opAddAssign( Test)
        writefln("%s", Name);

void main()
    Test T;
    Test B;
    T += B; // compiles!

So the issues of your proposal seem to be:
1) Why do one need to initialize instances of classes explicitely?
2) Get rid of the differences between static and non-static!

Both would severely disturb some main paradigms of D.

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