version and extern problems

Georg Wrede georg at
Wed Jul 11 05:27:44 PDT 2007

Walter Bright wrote:
> Georg Wrede wrote:
>> Why not
>>   extern(ecc) void function() foo;
>> where ecc would resolve to Windows or C.
>> This of course requires some tweaking of the compiler, but it might be 
>> worth it.
> Do you mean "ecc" being a magic identifier that the compiler sets to 
> Windows on Windows, and C otherwise? That might be a pretty good idea. 
> Why "ecc", though? It doesn't jump out at me what it might mean.

I wanted the discussion to stay with the (dis)merits of the idea itself, 
and not (as usual) begin with bickering about the choice of word.

For a similar reason I avoided taking a stance on whether ecc should be 
automatic, user settable or user overridable. (Pascal comes to mind, but 
you murdered that in a follow-up post. ;-) )

BTW, what are the implications of an automatic-only ecc for cross 
compiling with gdc?

(I thought it was obvious: ecc for External Calling Convention. :-) )

> How about "System" ?

I'm not entirely opposed to System. Still, System is a big word.

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