Compiling wxd

Anders F Björklund afb at
Thu Jul 12 01:48:33 PDT 2007

dnoob wrote:

>> Looks like you're using the unix build config.  How to build on windows 
>> is probably described in the readme file or the website.
> the readme file doesn't really content importants informations
> "** build wxD
> - extract
> - compile
> windows:
>   set WXDIR=<path to wxWidgets>
>   make all test"

The wxD website is a little less sparse,

> when I indicate a makefile, I get a different error:
> C:\wxWidgets-2.8.4\wxd\wxc>make -f Makefile WXDIR=C:\wxWidgets-2.8.4
> make: *** No rule to make target `wx-release-win.obj', needed by `wx-release.exe
> '.  Stop.

That should be a simple C++ -> EXE rule,
not sure why your Make didn't have that...

You will probably have more luck with wxD support on the wxD project 
site than on the digitalmars.D forum, since most are using other GUI.

It should work out of the box with MinGW's MSYS shell, but currently 
there is no-one maintaining the Windows makefiles for Digital Mars C.


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