iterators again

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at
Sat Jun 2 10:56:40 PDT 2007

Walter Bright wrote:
> Bruno Medeiros wrote:
>> For example, in their proposal, I still don't what is the 
>> typeof(fooptr) as in the code below:
>>   final foo;
>>   auto fooptr = &foo;
>> even though I asked 2 or 3 times now.
> It'll be an error, since there's no way to deduce the type of foo. But 
> let's rewrite it as:
>     final int foo;
>     auto fooptr = &foo;
> Since foo cannot change its value, then fooptr must be an invariant(int)*.

Duh, yes, I forgot the type.
Anyways, you've said before that invariant, like const, only applies to 
referenced data, and not to the immediate value. Such that const or 
invariant on primitive types has no effect:
   const int a;  // no effect, same as a normal int.
If that is the case, then do invariant(int) and invariant(const), as in 
the fooptr example above, have different semantics? Do they apply to the 
immediate value when used with that parenthesis syntax? Meaning that the 
following two vars would have different constraints? :
   invariant(int) i1;
   invariant int  i2;

Second, let's change the first example, let's have a Foo instead of an int:
    final Foo foo;
    auto fooptr = &foo;
What would be the type of fooptr?  Would it also be invariant(Foo)* ?
What would be the type of *fooptr? Would it be invariant(Foo) ?
If so, would that mean that the following would not be allowed:
   (*fooptr).membervar = 42 ;
even though this is:
   foo.membervar = 42;

Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student

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