Poll: Would you like to try const-by-default or not?

Stephen Waits steve at waits.net
Mon Jun 11 11:43:34 PDT 2007

I vote 2: const-by-default.  But this needs a LOT more thinking.

The derivative of D's complexity seems to still be climbing.  That's bad.

No matter what though, one thing I think is an absolutely horrible idea 
is doing anything even remotely similar to the C++ const mess.  I've 
been there, done that.  In fact, a few years ago I had a programmer on 
the "const trip", and he said "you'll thank me in a few years".  Well, a 
few years later I painfully undid all of that crap and I certainly 
wasn't thanking him!

Also, I asked Paris Hilton what she thought about this, and she said, 
"C++ const totally sucks, I hate that bitch! Wahh!".  Then she cried 
some more and went to jail.


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