Pointers vs. References

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Wed Jun 13 20:31:14 PDT 2007

Myron Alexander wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>>    x == y    ===>    (x is y || x.opEquals(y))
> I prefer that the compiler does not rewrite my code.
> There is nothing wrong with the current syntax, it's just different from 
> what most people here are used to. If Walter changed '==' to be a 
> reference check, then it would mean '==' works differently for different 
> types. That inconsistency would kick up a hurricane - precisely what 
> happened in Java.
> D does get this one right but a warning would be nice.

But '==' *does* work differently for different types.  Already.

Anyway, yeh, I'd be happy with a warning (or an error really -- unless 
someone can think of a case where you really _want_ to crash your 
program like that).


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