SHORT Re: Suggestion: "fix" assert(obj)

Jascha Wetzel firstname at
Sat Jun 16 16:02:21 PDT 2007

Tom S wrote:
> Uh... I just don't feel like teaching all my potential testers what a 
> debugger is, and that they should always run the game from within the 
> debugger, or I won't be able to help when something goes wrong :/

you don't need to. just write a batch file that runs your program in the 
debugger and make it the default way to start the game for the testers. 
you'll have

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION(0xc0000005) at _Dmain 
debugees\debuggee.d:237 (0x00402768)

instead of

Error: Access Violation

The problem with access violations is that the CPU raises them, the OS 
handles them and throws the exception. In order to have the same info in 
those exceptions as we have in D exceptions, they need to be intercepted 
and decorated with filenames and source line numbers - data that is 
available at runtime only from debug symbols. That means, that there 
needs to be a runtime that can interpret debug symbols and that 
basically is shipping half a debugger with the executable.

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