Poll on improved format strings.

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 18:43:06 PST 2007

renoX wrote:
> Daniel Keep Wrote:
>> To be honest, I think the type suffix needs to go.  After all, if you
>> know what the type is at compile-time, why do I need to repeat it?
> If the compatibility with printf(allowing %d without {...} format string) is removed (and I think I'll do this) then %{var} would be also allowed.
>> Of course, doing that leaves you with the problem of how to specify
>> formatting options... but then in the majority of cases, you probably
>> don't care; you just want the thing output.
>> So how about something like this:
>> Expansion ::= "$" ExpansionSpec
>> ExpansionSpec ::= FormattingOptions ExpansionExpr
>> ExpansionSpec ::= ExpansionExpr
>> FormattingOptions ::= "(" string ")"
>> ExpansionExpr ::= "{" D_Expression "}"
>> ExpansionExpr ::= D_Identifier
>> So the example above becomes "... $(08){var1+var2} ...": one character
>> longer, but gives you more freedom as to what you can put in the
>> formatting options.  Plus, if you don't care how it's formatted, you can
>> use "... ${var1+var2} ...", and if you just want to print a variable
>> out, you can use "... $somevar ...".
> Printf-Format string are quite powerful, and they're well known so I think their syntax should be kept, just with the obligation to follow by {...}: so the following would work:
> %{var}, %08X{var}, etc.. (%d{var} and %s{var} wouldn't be useful anymore, I agree but to avoid surprising C programmers, they should be kept).

(What, and having type inference, templates, aa's, compile-time function
evaluation, et al. isn't going to surprise them?! :P  This is
incidentally WHY I picked "$": so that they don't think "Hey; this is a
printf format string!)

> $somevar or %somevar without {...}, I don't know, it's shorter, sure but less readable I think.

I'm sure bash and PHP programmers would disagree with you. :P  I chose
the syntax precisely because there are languages out there that do the
*exact* same thing: the only thing that's new is the (opt) part.

You want to cater to C programmers, and that's fine; I'm more interested
in coming from a different angle (mostly because I like how these look).

>> Plus, if you discount the formatting stuff out the front, it's roughly
>> comparable to how variable expansions are written in bash and the like.
>>  I also think that Nemerle (which has had this sort of compile-time
>> printf stuff for ages) does it the same way.
>> As for the spec itself: it should be const char[] only, and display a
>> meaningful error if the programmer tries to pass a non-const char[].
> For the const char[] only, I agree.
> The problem for the 'meaningful error' is that D doesn't provide a way to print the line number of where the template was called..

A trick might be to use a... hmm...  I wonder, if your function
returned, say "static assert(false, \"Ruh-rho!\")" to the mixin(...)
keyword, which line would the compiler say it was on? :P

>> That said, I think you should also provide a "run-time" version of the
>> function that has the exact same parser, formatting, etc., but the user
>> can pass one or more hash maps to the function.  This would allow people
>> to use the same format for both compile and runtime, whilst not making
>> the runtime version a security risk (well, aside from arbitrary
>> expressions, anyway).  For example:
>>> auto author = "renoX";
>>> auto d_bdfl = "Walter Bright";
>>> auto life = 42;
>>> mixin(swritefln("Author: $author, BDFL: $(q)d_bdfl, "
>>>     "Meaning of life: $life"));
>>> // Author: renoX, BDFL: "Walter Bright", Meaning of life: 42
>>> char[][char[]] strings;
>>> int[char[]] ints;
>>> strings["author"] = author;
>>> strings["d-bdfl"] = d_bdfl;
>>> ints["life"] = life;
>>> auto formatstr = "Author: $author, BDFL: $(q){d-bdfl}, "
>>>     "Meaning of life: $life";
>>> writefln(formatstr, strings, ints);
>>> // Prints the same thing as above
> Python has this string manipulation possibility with the associative array, I think.
> What is supposed to happen if one key belongs to several associative arrays? Or if it doesn't exist in all the associative arrays provided?

For the first, it simply uses the first one it finds.  Actually, this
design is bad because of the multiple aa thing, but I only did that
because Python is dynamically typed.  And there are cases where being
able to dump multiple types into a format string is very handy.

For the second, it's clearly a run-time error; throw an exception.

One possible alternative is to have a slightly different version which
will only fill in the fields it can, and leave the others.

>> 	-- Daniel
>> P.S.  $(q){...} is stolen from Lua's "%q" format specifier: prints a
>> string out complete with escaping and quotation marks :P
> I don't understand the difference between %q and %s.
> Regards,
> renoX

auto msg = "This is a \"string\".\n\tIt has some escaped characters.";

> writefln("$(q)msg", msg);
> writefln("$(s)msg", msg);


> This is a "string".
>         It has some escaped characters.
> "This is a \"string\".\n\tIt has some escaped characters."

This is, admittedly, more useful in Lua which has an eval function :P

	-- Daniel

Unlike Knuth, I have neither proven or tried the above; it may not even
make sense.

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