Extended Type Design.

Benji Smith dlanguage at benjismith.net
Fri Mar 16 13:11:45 PDT 2007

kris wrote:
> Joel C. Salomon wrote:
>> Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email) wrote:
>>> We've shoved keywords like "readonly" and "view" for a while, and 
>>> they just added more confusion than cleared, at a high cost. If (as I 
>>> suspect) super const appears relatively infrequently, it might be 
>>> fine to just encode it as the mildly verbose "super const". In fact, 
>>> it's shorter than "keepyourgrubbyhandsoff". :o)
>> How about “const const”?  No new keywords, no reuse of keywords in 
>> disparate contexts, and equally noticeable to the eye.
>> --Joel
> The whole things about adding *more* constantness to const screams one 
> thing very loudly: the applicability of the word "const", in this 
> context, is borked :)

Bingo. It's like trying to describe something as "impossible 
impossible". If the first usage of the word didn't really convey 
impossibility, then you were using the wrong word to begin with.


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