Writing Bug-Free C/D Code

BCS BCS at pathlink.com
Mon Mar 19 11:16:46 PDT 2007

Henning Hasemann wrote:
> I just start a few little things.
> 1.)
> Of course, because here myFoo is default initialised to null this always gives
> a segfault where myFoo is first being used in such a way,
> so it is very easy to track down (if you use a debugger at least).
 > 2.)
 > Another thing would be easy support for stack traced exceptions.
 > I tried flectioned last weak or so (just for this purpose) but it
 > didnt want to compile with my code (I think I was still on dmd-1.007
 > so it might have been a bug there). I think STE's are of use
 > to many developers so they should be put into phobos or so.

I have found a handy way to catch seg-v's is by catching SIGSEGV with a 
function that throws an exception, that way I can get a stack trace 
using my DIY stack tracing. The first line in each function I write is:

scope(failure) writef("Backtrace@"__FILE__":"~itoa!(__LINE__)~\n);

it works just fine as long as you don't ever throw exceptions in normal 
code paths

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