Extended Type Design: further examples

Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email) SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Mon Mar 19 17:50:28 PDT 2007

Derek Parnell wrote:
> Hmmm ... so the difference between 'const' and 'invariant' is that const is
> only effective for one level deep, but 'invariant' is effective for all
> levels, right?

Nonono. Const means: it might have originated as a variable, and 
somebody, somewhere, might hold a mutating reference to this and call it 
"my precious".

Invariant is: nobody ever holds a mutating reference to it.


void Fun(const char[] a, char[] b)
   char c = a[0];
   b[0] = 'z';
   assert(a[0] == c); // will fail

void main()
   char[] x = "Wyda".dup;
   Fun(x, x);

Notice how the data referenced to by a is changing from under a's feet. 
Now let's rewrite Fun:

void Gun(invariant char[] a, char[] b)
   char c = a[0];
   b[0] = 'z';
   assert(a[0] == c); // never, ever, ever, ever fails

void main()
   char[] x = "Wyda".dup;
   Fun(x, x); // can't compile!
       // mutating references can't be bound to invariant references


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