Language Shootout

Dan murpsoft at
Mon Mar 26 09:43:13 PDT 2007

Hi guys,

This idea will only work with Walter in on it.  : p  I was thinking that we might go through the various benchmarks in "the language shootout" and find out those items where D is significantly behind for any reason, and correct the performance.

For example, against Eiffel, you see their Fasta implementation is 38 times faster than D's.  Why not compile the code, find out how it works and see why D's that much slower - and then Walter can fix the code?

Likewise for GCC's k-nucleotide, G++'s meteor-contest and k-nucleotide, Clean's sum-file, Erlang's cheap-concurrency etc.

We may find that there's a good reason D is slower, but we may find there's a performance bug or enhancement that would significantly improve D?

Just an idea.

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