Porting GDC to QNX

Sheff sheffmail at mail.ru
Wed Mar 28 11:35:55 PDT 2007

Brad Roberts Wrote:

> That's not a 'crash', that's receiving a signal.  The garbage collector 
> uses SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 to stop and start the threads of the app around 
> garbage collection.  You need to tell gdb to not stop when receiving them, 
> or you need to just continue the app when they do come in if you care to 
> see when collections are occurring.
> (gdb) handle SIGUSR1 nostop
> (gdb) handle SIGUSR2 nostop
> (those commands are from memory, so check the docs if they're not right).
> The reason you see it in the higher iterations and not the lower is simply 
> that the higher one ends up doing a gc collection.
> Later,
> Brad

No, it's the crash, cause when I launch a standalone program(without GDB) it writes "Abort" and exits.

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