Thanks for doost.program_options

James Dennett jdennett at
Thu May 24 20:15:16 PDT 2007

Jason House wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> Totally not Doost's fault that Boost libraries are poorly documented,
>> of course.  Just annoying.  I don't really understand why everyone is
>> so wild about Boost.  I've yet to meet a Boost library that didn't
>> waste hours of my time just in trying to accomplish the most basic thing.
> I've used boost's shared_ptr library without hassle.  In D, that library
> is unneeded because GC is built in.

(Non-deterministic) GC doesn't do what shared_ptr does,
and shared_ptr is useful even in GC'd C++ code.  D does
recognize that deterministic destruction is useful,
which puts it ahead of most languages that like to
position themselves as competitors to C++.

-- James

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