const, final, scope function parameters

Regan Heath regan at
Sun May 27 13:36:56 PDT 2007

Myron Alexander Wrote:
> janderson wrote:
> > Walter Bright wrote:
> >> 2) Having to turn off one of the const, final, or scope, introduces 
> >> the need for some sort of "not" keyword, like mutable, !const, !final, 
> >> etc. It comes off looking bizarre.
> > 
> > On this point, couldn't it be something like, if you define const, final 
> > or scope then the default "const final scope" is removed?
> > 
> > [snip]
> I agree with this suggestion. I always insist on the most restrictions 
> possible and relaxing restrictions on a case-by-case basis. This is what 
> I call tight code :)
> I understand scope within the function body but I do not understand 
> scope for parameters. How does scope affect class references, arrays, 
> and primitives (like int)?

It's my understanding that if you have:

Class A { int a; }
void foo(A aa, char[] bb, int cc) {}
void main()
  A a = new A();
  char[] b = "b";
  int c = 1;

when you call 'foo' you get a copy of a, b, and c called aa, bb, and cc.  These copies are naturally 'scope' because they only exist in the function scope, after which they vanish;  because they are copies on the stack.

Therefore having a foo like this would be illegal:

//variables in a higher scope 
A* pa;
char[]* pb;
int *pc;

void foo(A aa, char[] bb, int cc)
  pa = &aa;
  pb = &bb;
  pc = &cc;

you would be violating 'scope' and should get errors.  Likewise returning the address of one of these would be illegal:

A* foo(A aa) {  return &aa; }

Because classes and arrays are reference types and int is a value type I believe this code is legal and does not violate scope.

//variables in a higher scope 
A* aaa;
char[]* bbb;
int *ccc;

void foo(A aa, char[] bb, int cc)
  aaa = aa;
  bbb = bb;
  ccc = cc;

I think I may have muddied the waters with bad examples prior to this point.

Regan Heath

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