Can't incremen int inside funciton call -- bug?

Aldarris aldarri_s at
Tue May 29 03:57:07 PDT 2007


I have a nested function that iterates through a tree recursively.
here is it code:

void recursiveXMLTreeIteration(XMLNode currentNode, int treeLevel)
	tabOffset.length = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < treeLevel; i++)
		{tabOffset ~= "\t";}
	foreach(XMLNode childNode; currentNode.getChildrenList())
		{recursiveXMLTreeIteration(childNode, treeLevel++);}

recursiveXMLTreeIteration(this, 0);

Does not work as expected, in a tree of a root node plus two child nodes it prints 0,0,1.

It treeLevel++; is moved outside, works as expected:
	foreach(XMLNode childNode; currentNode.getChildrenList())
		{recursiveXMLTreeIteration(childNode, treeLevel)

Prints 0,1,1,

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