DSSS 0.72-0.73 and problems with DMD

Gregor Richards Richards at codu.org
Sun Nov 4 12:41:41 PST 2007

Walter Bright wrote:
> Gregor Richards wrote:
>>  - After investigating, Gregor finds out that DMD never marks anything 
>> as common data when all files are passed as once, and everything seems 
>> to work as expected when passing one file at a time.
>>  - After investigating, Gregor finds out that DMD occasionally and 
>> arbitrarily decides not to mark template instantiations as common, so 
>> they conflict and the build fails.
> Which bugzilla numbers are these two issues?

According to our last conversation regarding the first one, it's a 
feature. ( 

As per the second one, Brad mentioned them: 1508 is precisely it, a few 
others seem to be instances of the same issue.

  - Gregor Richards

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