DSSS 0.72-0.73 and problems with DMD

BCS ao at pathlink.com
Sun Nov 4 16:49:34 PST 2007

Reply to Gregor,

> OK, a lot of people are having issues with DSSS 0.72 and 0.73 using
> DMD. This is because of a fix to a problem lots of OTHER people were
> having with DSSS 0.71 and DMD.
> Here's the timeline:
> - Gregor releases numerous DSSS versions, and finally 0.71.
> - People start reporting problems with libraries and incremental
> compilation using DMD.
> - After investigating, Gregor finds out that DMD never marks
> anything
> as common data when all files are passed as once, and everything seems
> to work as expected when passing one file at a time.
> - Gregor reports this problem to the newsgroup. Walter: "It's
> faster."

Who cares?!?! The only time I have every had a problem with build times under 
DMD I was using more 4x swap space than I had RAM*. DMD is never slow! If 
it worked right twice a often and was 4 times slower I don't think most people 
would even notice let alone complain.

Add a compiler flag if you want but make it work right with incremental build.

*BTW this same project will never compile with the all at once solution, 
I would run out off address space (I wold need ~10GB of RAM to stay out of 
swap) Hmm... Can GDC be built as a 64bit app?

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