Why invariants in D 2.0 std.string?

Janice Caron caron800 at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 7 00:04:38 PST 2007

On Nov 7, 2007 4:33 AM, David B. Held <dheld at codelogicconsulting.com> wrote:
> > How does invariant allow better optimization than const?
> > [...]
> A const string may be intrinsically mutable but you only have a
> read-only view of it.  An invariant string is intrinsically immutable,
> so you can make extra assumptions about what it won't do while you poke it.

For example, suppose you had a function

/* case (a) */
uint inPlaceReplaceAll( char[] s, const(char)[] from, const(char)[] to );

/* case (b) */
uint inPlaceReplaceAll( char[] s, invariant(char)[] from,
invariant(char)[] to );

In case b, the compiler may safely assume that s and from do not
overlap. In case a, they might. Ditto pattern and to.

Here's another example

/* case (a) */
char[] s;
const(char)[] t = s.tolower();
s[0] = 'H';

/* case (b) */
char[] s;
invariant(char)[] t = s.tolower();
s[0] = 'H';

In case (a), the program may or may not modify t, depending on whether
or not tolower() returned the original, or a copy. But in case (b),
the code won't even complile, because s can't be intrinsically cast to
invariant. To make the tolower() line compile, you have to force s to
be invariant - in which case the assignment of s[0] in the following
line will fail to compile. This example promises that your code will
run predicably.

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