template mixin bug?

Regan Heath regan at netmail.co.nz
Tue Nov 13 07:50:34 PST 2007

Simen Haugen wrote:
> I have a mixin like this:
> template M() {
>  int i() {
>   return _i;
>  }
>  private:
>  int _i;
> }
> But if I try to add a setter function to my class that uses the mixin, the 
> compiler gets confused (seems like its hiding the mixed in function):
> class C {
>  mixin Mixin;
>  void i(int a) {
>   _i = a;
>  }
> }
> void main() {
>  C c = new C;
>  c.i = 12;
>  assert(c.i == 12);
> }
> Now it fails to compile if I try to use the get method from the mixin. If I 
> don't use the method, it compiles.
> t.d(29): function test.C.i (int) does not match parameter types ()
> t.d(29): Error: expected 1 arguments, not 0
> t.d(29): Error: void has no value
> t.d(29): Error: incompatible types for (((c.i)()) == (12)): 'void' and 'int'
> Is there a reason I cannot do this, or is it a compiler bug? I'm using dmd 
> 1.023. 

Here is a workaround, change the mixin and add an alias:
  mixin M b;
  alias b.i i;

As for whether it's a bug <shrug>.


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