STL like Vector,Pair, Map

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Tue Nov 13 10:33:08 PST 2007

BLS wrote:
> I guess the most wanted STL containers are (at least for me) Vector, 
> Pair, Map.  and yep, I know that we have dyn. and asso. arrays but I 
> have to translate and port a lot of C++ stuff, using these containers. 
> This also means that the Java like Tango container impl. is not exactly 
> what I want.
> Ideas ?

I have some of these that I used to aid in porting OpenMesh from C++.
They started life as some code from ArcLib, but I added more 
STL-compatibility stuff (like iterators) and rounded out the 
functionality a bit.  It's not a complete STL interface, but it was good 
enough to get OpenMesh working.  There's ListT.d, MapT.d, SetT.d.  I 
also have some adapters for creating STL-like iterators to D arrays.

License on those particular files is ZLIB/LibPNG.  The rest of 
OpenMesh/D is LGPL, though.


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