STL like Vector,Pair, Map

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Tue Nov 13 23:14:38 PST 2007

Sean Kelly wrote:
> David B. Held wrote:
>> It will be very hard to provide STL containers until we get struct 
>> d'tors and copy c'tors (contrary to how Janice trivializes the task ;). 

Yes, defintely do watch out for that BLS.
> Why?

STL containers act like value types.

std::vector<int> a,b;
...// put some stuff in vector a
b = a;  // now b has a copy of every element of a
a[4] = 9;  //b[4] unchanged

In D currently to get that behavior have to do .dup:
int[] a,b;
b = a.dup;

So my STL-like interfaces have D-ish dup functions to make value copies.

But BLS, you should watch out for any such assignments of STL containers 
in your code, and change them to a = b.dup type things.


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