Phango - questions

Sean Kelly sean at
Mon Nov 19 07:52:58 PST 2007

Don Clugston wrote:
> This isn't a criticism in any way (as an expat, I spend most of my life 
> feeling foreign!), just an observation. Most of the unfavourable 
> comments about the Tango style seem to be coming from C++ programmers, 
> and I think it's related to what they (we) are used to.

I think this is probably true.  I am a C++ person myself, and required 
some convincing before I accepted the Tango style being discussed.

>> Now I'm interested: where did you get that notion from, Don? Perhaps 
>> because I used it as an example at the conference? 
> Long before that. You've mentioned Java a fair bit over the years. I 
> remember that you didn't come from C++, anyway.

In all honesty, I've always felt Kris has a Java approach as well, and 
have said as much before.  But that may simply be because I have little 
experience with Ada, Simula, etc.


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