Why isn't opMul allowed in a const expression

torhu no at spam.invalid
Tue Nov 20 09:29:26 PST 2007

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> I added:
>   static X tmpOpMul(X x, int y)
>   {
>     return X(x.value * y);
>   }
> To X, and I can do:
> static myX4 = X.tmpOpMul(myX, 4);
> without error.  I don't see how this is any different than calling opMul. 
> It should be evaluatable at compile time, no?

For initializing a constant you need a compile-time value.

 From the docs about compile-time functions:
"4. the function may not be a non-static member, i.e. it may not have a 
this pointer"

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