Feature Request: Change the delegate type to void[] data insteadofvoid*ptr.

BCS ao at pathlink.com
Thu Oct 4 10:22:16 PDT 2007

Reply to Downs,

> BCS wrote:
>> Reply to Downs,
>>> BCS wrote:
>>>> Fun
>>>> Bar.opApply  <<<<<
>>>> Fun.foreachBody_1
>>> Again, you're missing something.
>>> The void[] data property I'm proposing does not contain the complete
>>> stack of the delegate. Since part of that stack (the delegate's)
>>> doesn't even EXIST when the delegate is created, this would be
>>> rather
>>> pointless. Instead, data references the stack area _outside_ of the
>>> delegate that the delegate uses. So in this case, that would be Fun,
>>> directly followed by its foreach body; two parts of the stack which
>>> indeed form a continuous area. I hope that clears things up.
>>> --downs
>> In between the Fun frame and the foreach frame is the opApply frame
>> (or several frames). If you keep nesting function and passing
>> delegate to arbitrary code to be called deeper in the stack, sooner
>> or later, you get a gap of unknown size.
> That is correct.
> And since the void[] data and the immediate stack space of the
> function
> don't need to have any direct relationship, it isn't a problem.
> The stack space of the function is accessed via the SP or an
> equivalent
> register. The outer stack area is accessed via (currently) void *ptr
> or
> (proposed) void[] data. The two are separate areas. I don't see the
> problem.
> --downs

but from within the delegate the delegates frame is accessed with the SP, 
the foreach body's frame is accessed with the void *ptr or void[] data. But 
what is the outermost frame accessed with? Currently I think it is accessed 
with chained indirection (look in my outer function for his outer function's 
pointer, then use that pointer to find the next one etc.). This would still 
work with your proposal, but it gets all the issues of deep vs. shallow copies, 
which kinda defeats the point of the proposal.

If you don't see my point for this case, consider this; the accusable scope 
of a nested function can contain an arbitrary number of non adjacent stack 
frames simply by passing callbacks to other function where the callback does 
the same. This can be done to as many levels as you wish.

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