questions on PhanTango 'merger' (was Merging Tangobos into Tango) - long-term vision

Marcin Kuszczak aarti_nospam at
Wed Oct 10 13:44:48 PDT 2007

Kris wrote:

> And that's where the misconception comes in. The benefits in the high
> level of Tango are often based upon the capabilities in the "lower"
> levels. Which is why the earlier question had been posed about Tango I/O.
> You don't get Tango without the I/O package, because that is one of the
> definitive differences between the two libraries. In short, there's
> nothing in Phobos that Tango would benefit from. When it comes to I/O, for
> example, Tango seriously outperforms every other library we've bothered to
> test. When it comes to string processing, the same is true. This is due to
> the design of Tango.

I don't want to drop Tango IO. :-)

Probably I express myself not enough clear with my idea. It would be great
if you could comment on my replay to Larsivi:


Marcin Kuszczak (Aarti_pl)
Ask me why... I believe in Jesus - (en/pl)
Doost (port of few Boost libraries) -

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