Free functions versus member functions

Rémy Mouëza. ray.jay.ay.moueza at
Sat Oct 13 15:46:57 PDT 2007

API building can sometimes lead to classes that have methods quite unrelated to what the objects are intended for, just because we need some utility functions to be used with them.  Traits (as in have been suggested to address this problem. 
>From what I understood we could use mixin template class to add utility behaviour to a class ,in D. This would allow us to keep a minimalistic set of members in a class and create new ones with reusable units of utility behaviour. This also leads to simpler inheritance hierarchies. 
Here is what it could look like: 
interface SomeConstraints {
  // define some methods/properties requires for the trait to work
class Behaviour ( T : SomeConstraints ): T {
    // a traits is a stateless set of reusable methods and should only have methods. 
    void extendedOperation ();
class Basic : SomeConstraints {
   // methods ;
void main () {
    Basic polymorphicBasic = new Behaviour !( Basic )(  args, ... ); 
    polymorphicBasic.extendedOperation (); 

Currently constructors are not inherited (unless I am not up to date) and adding behaviours using this kind of code would not be easy without default constructors. 

Bruno Medeiros Wrote:

> Walter Bright wrote:
> > Continuing the discussion from the thread "questions on PhanTango 
> > 'merger'":
> > 
> > 
> > I've been stumped by this design issue before. Should functionality be 
> > done as a set of free functions, or as member functions? I remember 
> > going over this with Matthew Wilson, and he resolved it by implementing 
> > two parallel sets of interfaces: one free, the other member. I thought 
> > that doing both was a copout, but couldn't figure out which one was right.
> > 
> > I eventually ran across this article by Scott Meyers 
> >
> > which made a lot of sense. It gives some good guidelines to use to make 
> > such decisions, and backs it up with reasoning that I find compelling.
> > 
> > Isn't it funny how we've completed the circle? We went from all free 
> > functions in C, to all member functions in C++, and now back to free 
> > functions? <g>
> I don't think I fully agree with some points of that article. He states 
> that a function that can be implemented as a "non-friend non-member" 
> function instead of a member function, should be implemented that way, 
> since it would reduce encapsulation. Well, sorta. Just because a 
> function is written as a member function doesn't mean we have to access 
> the classes fields directly in that function, one can use the class's 
> external API just as if the function was non-member, and thus have no 
> decrease in encapsulation.
> Second, I think that many times it is useful to have as part of the 
> class API certain utility functions (that are not part of the minimal 
> set and as such could be implemented as free functions), simply because 
> they would be commonly useful. He mentions this aspect in the end of the 
> article, but he gives the impression that he thinks including such 
> functions is only worthwhile in rare occasions, and that classes should 
> always have the minimal set of members, or close to it. I on the other 
> hand think that most functions that could be expected to be used often 
> should be part of the API. For instance, consider the IPath class of 
> Eclipse:
> It's a class that represents a path name: a collections of path segments 
> plus a device id. I think that class API/interface is ideally defined in 
> terms of number of member functions, but according to Meyers, the class 
> should have a lot less member functions.
> -- 
> Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student

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