alias tuples?

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Sun Oct 14 09:23:03 PDT 2007

"Janice Caron" <caron800 at> wrote in message 
news:mailman.422.1192341718.16939.digitalmars-d at
> We've got value tuples, and we've got type tuples. Could we also have
> alias tuples?
> Here's what I mean. Right now I can do:
> struct A
> {
>    X x;
>    Y y;
>    Z z;
>    mixin Serialize!(x,y,z);
> }
> A a;
> template Serialize(alias x,alias y,alias z)
> {
>    void serialize()
>    {
>        x.serialize();
>        y.serialize();
>        z.serialize();
>    }
> }
> where the types X, Y and Z all have a serialize() function (and so on
> recursively for every object in need of serialization). Now it seems
> to me, if I wanted to make Serialize!() variadic, I'd need not a value
> tuple, nor a type tuple, but an "alias tuple". I'd want to be able to
> write something like:
> struct A
> {
>    X x;
>    Y y;
>    Z z;
>    mixin Serialize!(this.aliastupleof); /* expands to (x,y,z) */
> }
> A a;
> template Serialize(alias T...)
> {
>    void serialize()
>    {
>        foreach(a;T)
>            a.serialize();
>    }
> }
> Of course this won't work right now. The template won't compile
> because (alias T...) has no meaning, and even if it did, structs don't
> have an aliastupleof property.
> Thoughts?

In fact you can do this all without tuples, at least as parameters to 

class X { void serialize() {} }
class Y : X{}
class Z : X{}

struct A
    X x;
    Y y;
    Z z;

    mixin Serialize;

template Serialize()
    void serialize()
        foreach(a; this.tupleof)

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