IDEs (Was: Mainstream D Programming)

David Brown dlang at
Mon Oct 15 17:25:36 PDT 2007

On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 08:16:56PM -0400, Bruce Adams wrote:

>You did say one thing that shocked me however. You switched from emacs to
>vim. I would have though the switch would be the other way around. What
>were the motivating factors?

Originally carpel-tunnel.  Once I discovered that Vim could do the
important things I wanted emacs for (syntax coloring, multiple-windows,
indenting, and such), I learned the advanced features of Vim, and my wrists

My other gripe with emacs is that there is no stable version that has
anti-aliased text rendering.  Other issues are that I could never run it
anywhere else, because I didn't have my massive customizations from my .emacs


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