The great compromise of the D standard library

Ender KaShae astrothayne at
Fri Oct 19 15:42:04 PDT 2007

Yes, I obviosly didn't understand everything about tango, and my compromise was a  little rash, however in my first point I believe I was misinterpreted, though I can see why.  When I said Tango should call phobos functions I was assuming that phobos would first be fixed to be just as efficient as Tango.  AS it is these are the issues i have with tango:

1.) it is not compatible with phobos, i see this as the biggest problem, not because phobos is such a great library but because it is difficult if not impossible to import libraries that use phobos alongside libraries that use tango
2.) it does not ship with DMD
3.) it is more difficult to navigate than phobos

my revised solution is to make tango completly phobos compatible (without changing the runtime, maybe having phobos just call the equivilent in tango) and make tango the ONLY standard library

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