using opAssign or having my own assign function

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Tue Sep 4 22:44:55 PDT 2007

Martin d Anjou wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to build a data type where a key characteristic is that the 
> data holding capacity is fixed and never changing, and the declaration 
> looks like this:
> auto a = BitVector(4);   // "a" can hold unsigned numbers from 0 to 15
> auto b = BitVector(10);  // 10 bits of data
> auto c = BitVector(79);  // etc.
> Say I now want to add b and c, and store the result in a, while 
> preserving the property that "a" has to have a capacity of 4 bits only. 
> Adding and truncating the upper bits to fit in "a" is the easy part. The 
> problematic part is stating that the result of the addition goes to 
> variable "a".
> I was first tempted to simply say "a=b+c", but b+c will return a new 
> instance of BitVector, scrap the original "a", and loose the holding 
> capacity of "a". I thought of overloading opAssign(), but I can't do 
> "BitVector opAssign(BitVector other) { ... }".
> So I came to the conclusion the least non-intuitive thing to do would be 
> "a.assign(b+c)", which preserves the storage capacity declared for 
> variable "a", and does not create a new instance for "a".
> Question: Is there a better way to do this?
> Question: Is there a chance opAssign could be used for this kind of 
> thing at all in the future?
> Thanks,
> Martin

The only other thing that comes to mind is that you could use the 
expression object trick as in Blitz++ et al.  Have opAdd return a 
BitVectorAddExpr, and then give BitVector an opAssign from 
BitVectorAddExpr that will just trigger a call to a.assign(b+c).

struct BitVector
   BitVectorAddExpr opAdd(ref BitVector b, ref BitVector c)
   { return BitVectorAddExpr(&b,&c); }
   void opAssign( BitVectorAddExpr expr ) { a.assign(*expr.L+*expr.R); }

struct BitVectorAddExpr
    static typeof(*this) opCall( . . . ) {. . . }
    BitVector *L;
    BitVector *R;


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