vtbl jamming

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 10 07:08:50 PDT 2007

"Kirk McDonald" <kirklin.mcdonald at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:fc35na$30pq$1 at digitalmars.com...
> It sort of does. You can fake them with delegates:
> class Foo {
>     void bar() { writefln("Foo.bar"); }
> }
> void ptr_call(void function() fn, Object o) {
>     void delegate() dg;
>     dg.ptr = o;
>     dg.funcptr = fn;
>     dg();
> }
> void main() {
>     auto f = new Foo;
>     void function() fn = &Foo.bar;
>     ptr_call(fn, f);
> }
> I write this without testing it, and may have left out a cast or two. But 
> the idea is sound. (Indeed, Pyd relies on it.)

Here's another way, which does it all at compile time.  It also has the 
advantage of doing a polymorphic call.

struct PTM(Type, char[] name)
    const fullName = Type.stringof ~ "." ~ name;
    alias ReturnTypeOf!(mixin(fullName)) Ret;
    alias ParameterTupleOf!(mixin(fullName)) Params;

    Ret opCall(Type obj, Params params)
        mixin("return obj." ~ name ~ "(params);");

class A
    void foo()

    int bar(int x)
        Stdout.formatln("Bar: {}", x);
        return x * 2;

void main()
    scope a = new A();
    PTM!(A, "foo") f;
    PTM!(A, "bar") b;

    Stdout.formatln("Got: {}", b(a, 6));

It also has fairly similar semantics to C++'s pointers-to-methods: each PTM 
is associated with a single class and with a single method.  I'm sure you 
could make it a little more flexible though, at the cost of having to 
manually specify the parameter types when creating the PTM.

(Also note that the PTM struct is 1 byte.) 

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