class design question (inner classes)

Christian Kamm kamm.incasoftware at
Tue Sep 11 07:44:49 PDT 2007

> If it was possible to instantiate the object "s" at compile time
> (something like
> static const SymmetricGroup s = new SymmetricGroup(3);
> ),
> the above mentioned references would not be needed. But unfortunately, It
> is not possible to instantiate objects at compile time (what's actually
> the reason for this?).

If SymmetricGroup contains only compile time constants, you could do:

struct SymmetricGroup(int degreeIn) {
  const int degree = degreeIn;

struct Permutation(Group) {
  alias Permutation!(Group) thistype;
  thistype opMul(ref thistype a) {
    // do something with

void main() {
  alias SymmetricGroup!(3) s;
  Permutation!(s) a, b, c;
  c = a * b;

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