Latest const expansion

Yigal Chripun yigal100 at
Tue Sep 11 11:03:36 PDT 2007

Regan Heath wrote:
> I'm interested in what people think of the idea(s) I had for expanding 
> on Walter's latest const proposal and handling head/tail const on class 
> references.
> Ideas originally posted as replies, here:
> Also here:
> In short, Where:
> head const - means the class reference itself cannot be modified
> tail const - means the class members cannot be modified
> Where T is a class:
> const(T)  indicates both head/tail const
> const(*T) indicates tail const
> const(&T) indicates head const
> Eg.
> class A { int a; }
> const(A)  a;  //a cannot be modified, a.a cannot be modified
> const(*A) b;  //a can be modified, a.a cannot be modified
> const(&A) c;  //a cannot be modified, a.a can be modified
> The idea being that const(*T) means const("value of the type T") where 
> the value of a class reference is the class instance itself.  Likewise 
> const(&T) means const("reference/pointer of the type T") indicating the 
> reference is to be const.
> For template/meta-programming purposes the syntax "const(*T)" and 
> "const(&T)" should be legal for T where T is a value type, i.e. struct, 
> union, and primitives (excluding pointers) but will be identical in 
> behaviour to "const(T)"
> For pointers and arrays the "const(*T)" (tail const) syntax is not 
> required as we can say:
> const(T)[]
> const(T)*
> but perhaps for meta-programming purposes it should be legal, eg.
> const(*char[])
> const(*char*)
> For pointers and arrays the "const(&T)" (head const) syntax is required 
> as there is currently no way to get a const array reference to mutable 
> data, so:
> const(&char[])
> const(&char*)
> would specify a const array reference and const pointer respecitvely 
> both to mutable 'char' data.
> Thoughts?  Too complicated?  :P
> Regan

I'm a new user of D.
I've read about the const system and i agree with everyone who wants a 
head/tail const. however i disagree with the sytax proposed by various 
people as being unreadable.
const(*char*) or const (&char**) is quite confusing in my opinion.

my proposal is to simply use the terms tail/head, so the syntax will be
[head|tail] const (T) | const T

for example:
head const (C) c; // c is const but c.x isn't
tail const (C) c; // c is mutable but c.x is const
const (C) c; // as before, both c and c.x are const
head const C c; // Error
tail const C c; // Error

Yigal Chripun

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