Feature request - simpler constructors

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 05:54:13 PDT 2007

This is just silly.  There's no reason to make this a *language*
feature.  I mean, we have templates and mixins for a reason!  To whit:

module lazy_janice;

import std.metastrings;
import std.stdio : writefln;
import std.string : format;

template Tuple(T...)
    alias T Tuple;

template lazyJaniceInit(uint i)
    const lazyJaniceInit = "";

template lazyJaniceInit(uint i, alias Member, Members...)
    const lazyJaniceInit =
        Member.stringof~" = args["~ToString!(i)~"];\n"
        ~ lazyJaniceInit!(i+1,Members);

template lazyJaniceArgs()
    alias Tuple!() lazyJaniceArgs;

template lazyJaniceArgs(alias Member, Members...)
    alias Tuple!(typeof(Member), lazyJaniceArgs!(Members))

template lazyJanice(Members...)
    this(lazyJaniceArgs!(Members) args)
        mixin(lazyJaniceInit!(0, Members));

class Foo
    int a;
    float b;

    mixin lazyJanice!(a,b);

    string toString()
        return "Foo(%s,%s)".format(a,b);

void main()
    auto foo = new Foo(42,3.1413);

Easy as can be.  You might want to rename the template, though... :3

	-- Daniel

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