Do pure functions solve the "return const" problems?

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Tue Apr 1 12:27:30 PDT 2008

Russell Lewis wrote:
> Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> Having never used pure functions, I'm not sure that this is the case 
>> for C++'s pure functions, but I thought pure functions for D would 
>> require invariant arguments, no?  Otherwise, how do you guarantee 
>> another thread doesn't come along and munge the data while the pure 
>> function is running?
> Interesting question, I don't really know the answer.  However, it seems 
> to me that "pure" is a statement that you are making about the function, 
> not necessarily about the caller.  That is, "pure" means "this function 
> does not have side-effects, so use it with impunity," whereas 
> "invariant" means "the caller must obey rules that the function is 
> relying on."
> Put another way, saying that a function is "pure" allows the caller to 
> make certain optimizations.  Saying that the arguments are invariant 
> allows the pure function to optimize internally.

Right.  If it's pure *it* doesn't modify its arguments (or any other 
data that isn't local to the function).  That enables you to run N 
copies of that function in parallel without worrying.  Or N copies of 
any combination of pure functions without worrying.  Keeping other 
threads from mucking with the data referred to by the pure functions is 
the user's responsibility.

> I think that it might be quite possible to have a pure function which 
> doesn't require invariant would just lose out on internal 
> optimization opportunities.

Maybe.  I'm not sure what those extra optimizations would be, though.  I 
don't believe that code generation usually takes into account the 
possibility that some other thread might be clobbering your data.  If 
there is another thread clobbering your data, that's your fault for not 
mutexing properly.  Invariant may allow you to eliminate a 
data-protecting mutex, but I'm not sure how that helps the compiler. 
Maybe synchronized blocks' mutexes could automatically be made no-ops 
using knowledge of invariant?


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