Feature request: add degToRad and radToDeg to phobos / tango

Spacen Jasset spacenjasset at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Apr 2 06:55:44 PDT 2008


I have a suggestion for a small feature. The reason for adding these 
conversions would be to prevent mistakes and a small utilitarian gain.

real degToRad(real deg)
     return deg * PI / 180;

real radToDeg(real rad)
     return (180 * rad) / PI;

Or as Derek Parnell sugested (although I don't understand the 
operational difference here, but the top one did originally read float 
instead of real.

    fPI_180 = PI / 180.0L;
    f180_PI = 180.0L / PI;

T degToRad(T)(T deg)
	return cast(T)(cast(real)deg * fPI_180);

T radToDeg(T)(T rad)
	return cast(T)(cast(real)rad * f180_PI);

Perhaps also gradToRad etc. Or gonToRad sice the gon is meant to be the 
proper ISO unit. People don't seem to use Grad much though.

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