Internal Error

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Wed Apr 2 08:53:11 PDT 2008

Russell Lewis:
> Generally, I do binary search on my code.  I comment out huge swaths of 
> code that I think might be irrelevant, then recompile.  If the failure 
> goes away, then I only comment out half of that section, and try again.
> It's a painful, iterative process, but it usually works. Most times I 
> can reduce 1000s of lines of code down to a 10-line example.

Computers are good at performing quickly boring operations. So there are ways to automate that. For a simple Python implementation you can look here, inside the software of the book "Beautiful Code", subdirectory "Zeller":
Around there are better implementations of that idea, written in C too.


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