Suggestion: Change precedence of 'new'

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Wed Apr 9 18:32:01 PDT 2008

Sometimes it's handy to invoke a function on a class right after 
creating it:

     new Thread(&func).run();

Unfortunately that doesn't work in D right now.  You have to put 
parentheses around the new expression because it has lower precedence 
than dotExpression:

      (new Thread(&func)).run();

I don't recall how it works in C++, but at least in Java, the first 
version works.

I'm not a grammar guru, so can anyone who is say whether the above 
change would be possible?

Maybe it would muck up construction based on fully qualified names?   So 

   new thread.Thread(&func)

would have to become

   new (thread.Thread(&func)

If so that would suck.  But Java is able to make it work somehow, and 
the construct seems to be used quite heavily there (I've been looking at 
a lot of SWT code lately...)


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