More D on reddit (DrBartoz comment)

mort mortm at
Mon Aug 4 13:30:03 PDT 2008

Bruno Medeiros Wrote:

> DrBartoz commented: [...]
> Why would the whole source code the library be needed for that? Isn't it 
> necessary only for the library API to be well-specified in terms of it's 
> const semantics?

You could setup 'const inference' to stop at package/library boundaries, but it wouldn't be as powerful.  Consider the function 'Object id(Object x) { return x; }'.  This function is const-polymorphic.  There's no way to explicitly tag it as const without reducing its applicability since you might want to pass in const parameters in some places and mutate the result in others.  Also, I think you'd have to tweak the syntax to avoid confusion - you might not want the default (when specifiers are absent) to be 'not-const' at package level and 'inferred-const' elsewhere.

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