Tango vs Phobos

Lars Ivar Igesund larsivar at igesund.net
Sun Aug 10 02:18:20 PDT 2008

Nick B wrote:

> Sean
> So what is the plan to transition Tango to D2.0 ?
> Is the Tango team waiting for const to be removed from D2.0, or will
> Tango continue to use D1.0 forever, or is the team waiting to see the
> final form of D2.0 before deciding what to do ?

We don't expect const to be removed :) As it is, this must be resolved
before it is possible to properly port Tango:


1644 was fixed now, but is in our opinion the lesser solution to the
problem - we'd much rather have 1961.

2204 is still open I think.

Also as long as closures are allocated on stack, that is likely to be rather
detrimental to the performance.

Once we have a resolution on that, work on the Tango D 2.0 branch will
probably continue, and this branch will be available to all who need it. If
possible, an official release may happen shortly after the time Walter
calls D 2.0 to be stable.

One other concern is that it is almost impossible to have code that is both
D1 and D2 compatible, something which mean the mantainance of two branches,
a potentially daunting task - it would be good if the "syntactical
correctness" restriction on versioned out blocks could be removed for at
least D1/D2 identifiers.

Lars Ivar Igesund
blog at http://larsivi.net
DSource, #d.tango & #D: larsivi
Dancing the Tango

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