I was wrong.

superdan super at dan.org
Thu Aug 14 06:10:16 PDT 2008

downs Wrote:

> To clear this up, I've been running a benchmark.
> module test91;
> import tools.time, std.stdio, tools.base, tools.mersenne;
> class A { void test() { } }
> class B : A { final override void test() { } }
> class C : A { final override void test() { } }
> A a, b, c;
> static this() { a = new A; b = new B; c = new C; }
> A gen() {
>   if (randf() < 1f/3f) return a;
>   else if (randf() < 0.5) return b;
>   else return c;
> }
> void main() {
>   const count = 1024*1024;
>   for (int z = 0; z < 4; ++z) {
>     writefln("Naive: ", time({
>       for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) gen().test();
>     }()));
>     writefln("Speculative for B: ", time({
>       for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
>         auto t = gen();
>         if (t.classinfo is typeid(B)) (cast(B)cast(void*)t).test();
>         else t.test();
>       }
>     }()));
>     writefln("Speculative for B/C: ", time({
>       for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
>         auto t = gen();
>         if (t.classinfo is typeid(B)) (cast(B)cast(void*)t).test();
>         else if (t.classinfo is typeid(C)) (cast(C)cast(void*)t).test();
>         else t.test();
>       }
>     }()));
>   }
> }
> And as it turns out, virtual method calls were at least fast enough to not make any sort of difference in my calls.
> Here's the output of my little proggy in the last iteration:
> Naive: 560958
> Speculative for B: 574602
> Speculative for B/C: 572429
> If anything, naive is often a little faster.
> This kind of completely confuses my established knowledge on the matter. Looks like recent CPUs' branch predictions really are as good as people claim.
> Sorry for the confusion.

you are looking with a binocular at a coin a mile away and tryin' to figure quarter or nickel. never gonna work. most likely ur benchmark is buried in randf timing.

make iteration cost next to nothing. put objects in a medium size vector. then iterate many times over it.

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