[OT] - does IP exist?

Yigal Chripun yigal100 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 04:12:44 PDT 2008

A reply for Jesse:

you've said:
The owner also has the right to limit the medium to which his product
can run. While I think these things, DRM, are stupid it is still their
right, and thus I decided not to buy it. Unfortunately that is how the
free market work. It is not a matter of, If I want the product I can
access it by any means necessary, but I can either live with the choice
of the author or boycott it. And boycotting fails because of the number
of people that go with option 1.

In fact, DRM is illegal. copyright law and patent law both give the
author a defined time span of exclusivity. after that, the information
becomes public domain. DRM is not limited by that time span and
therefore violates the law. (if i buy a DRMed file and the allotted time
span have passed than the information legally is Public domain and I
should be able to do with it as I see fit. DRM violates this right.

you also asked:
Question, a lot of your argument rides on the one that pirated either
getting others to buy the product or purchasing other products from the
creator. What if none of that happens and the creator makes no money on
said pirate, is it still not stealing?

yes, this is not stealing. stealing is not defined by money. If I stole
your car and left you the exact amount it would cost, did I just buy
your car or steal it?
stealing is taking (not copying) from you something that is yours
without permission as bobef said in his post.

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