Why Strings as Classes?

superdan super at dan.org
Tue Aug 26 15:16:43 PDT 2008

Benji Smith Wrote:

> >>> superdan wrote:
> >> well since you was gloating about handling a csv file as "parsing" i
> >> thot i'd lower my definition accordingly :)
> I don't know about "gloating".

was jesting. 'twas too good a comeback after u switched the definition of parsing on me. twice :)

> I mentioned it, because it was relevant 
> to the conversation about places where streaming parsers are useful. But 
> I can't see how it was gloating. Geez.
> Why is everything a challenge to you? Why can't you just have a 
> conversation, without getting all argumentative?

conversatin's cool. but if you says something wrong and i happen to knows how it is i'll say how it is.

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