More phpBB like forum?

Daniel White twinbee42 at
Mon Dec 8 20:09:18 PST 2008

Hi all,
Is it just me, or does anyone think it may be a good idea to use a
phpBB style forum instead/aswell? I understand the reasoning behind
the current system, as many of you have dedicated news readers which
parse the emailed posts into a more thread like manner afterwards.

However, for many people who don't have these readers (and don't want
to try one yet), but who are very interested in D, the flat like
posts may put them off, and that of course would be a great shame.

To get the best of both worlds, one could get some backend server
software to automatically parse the posts into a thread/phpbb like
system, AND for the posts to be sent in the usual way to be read by
the specialized newsgroup software readers. Is there such a system? -
if not then why not, as it would be beneficial to everyone.

At the same time, we can remove (or subsume) the old 'deprecated' D

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