More phpBB like forum?

Daniel White twinbee42 at
Tue Dec 9 05:56:39 PST 2008

> Waitin' 'til '91 or so to see if this whole "Internet"
> thing pans out?

Lol. In all fairness though, a centralized phpBB-like forum
would allow editing of posts, and probably other advantages
(better quoting, and image support) - something not available
in this current system.

> What about dsource?

Aha, so there is a forum. But case in point, I didn't know
about it. Okay, having a look at the main DigitalMars D site
I've just found a link to the dsource site, but it wasn't a
main link on the left side panel, so it's very easy for
newcomers to miss.

Except it's probably not meant for newcomers, as there's no
'help' forum there. But to have two seperate forums/lists is
a pain surely? Would it be good for them to be unified?

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