More phpBB like forum?

Robert Fraser fraserofthenight at
Tue Dec 9 17:32:42 PST 2008

Daniel White wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it just me, or does anyone think it may be a good idea to use a
> phpBB style forum instead/aswell? I understand the reasoning behind
> the current system, as many of you have dedicated news readers which
> parse the emailed posts into a more thread like manner afterwards.
> However, for many people who don't have these readers (and don't want
> to try one yet), but who are very interested in D, the flat like
> posts may put them off, and that of course would be a great shame.
> To get the best of both worlds, one could get some backend server
> software to automatically parse the posts into a thread/phpbb like
> system, AND for the posts to be sent in the usual way to be read by
> the specialized newsgroup software readers. Is there such a system? -
> if not then why not, as it would be beneficial to everyone.
> At the same time, we can remove (or subsume) the old 'deprecated' D
> newsgroup.

Maybe we just need a better web-news? I looked on sourceforge, and it 
doesn't seem like web-news is being updated, and there aren't too many 
great alternatives.

If there was one where you could register ()optionally - you should also 
be able to use it without registration), you could use that feature to 
save state (viewed posts), and give it whatever interface you like. A 
talented web programmer could even add in some AJAX-y stuff so it would 
notify you of new posts.

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