Using DMD's -v to build dependencies

Sergey Gromov snake.scaly at
Fri Dec 12 14:18:37 PST 2008

After some twitting ;) here's my Windows shell script (a .cmd file)
which can effectively replace bud/rebuild in some simple cases.  This
script makes use of GNU grep and sed.  Both are available from GnuWin32
or Cygwin or as separate ports.

file "sbd.cmd"
:: Build a D program including any dependencies
:: 2008, Sergey 'SnakE' Gromov <snake.scaly at>

@echo off

if "%1" == "" (
  echo Build a D program with all dependencies
  echo Usage: %0 master [options]
  echo   master   master source, root of the import hierarchy
  echo   options  any options are forwarded to DMD
  exit /b 1

set DEP=dependencies.tmp

:: generate dependencies
dmd %* -c -o- -v | grep "^import" | grep -v "phobos\|tango\|\.di)" | sed "s/^.*(\(.*\)).*$/\1/" > %DEP%

:: compile
dmd %* @%DEP% || goto error

:: cleanup
del %DEP%
exit /b 0

del %DEP%
exit /b 1

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