dmd platform support - poll

John Reimer terminal.node at
Fri Dec 26 22:53:34 PST 2008

Hello Eric,

> Why not just LLVM? let LLVM do the rest?
>> What platforms for dmd would you be most interested in using?
>> .net
>> jvm
>> mac osx 32 bit intel
>> mac osx 64 bit intel
>> linux 64 bit
>> windows 64 bit
>> freebsd 32 bit
>> netbsd 32 bit
>> other?

Good question.  

I suppose if the question had been asked like "What platforms for /D/ would 
you most be interested in using?" then we'd know that ldc could act as the 
implementation answer to that question... 

But since he said /dmd/, I'm not quite sure what this means.  I guess it 
should be just taken to be a poll, and not a statement of intent.

As long as dmd remains the reference compiler, then there will be interest 
in seeing the reference working on other "high priority" platforms.  Seems 
like a lot of work to me when ldc could be developed to meet such goals. 
 Then again, maybe ldc does factor into that picture, and we just don't know 
it yet.


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