Make D a dynamic language.

Russell Lewis webmaster at
Tue Feb 5 09:43:27 PST 2008

Although it wouldn't be as elegant as a native language solution, you 
could accomplish (somewhat) the same with an associative-array of 
varargs delegates.  To make it work with member variables as well as 
methods would be a bit harder, but it could be done.  Maybe something like:


struct Dynamic {
   void delegate(...)[char[]] fields;

void AddDynamicMethod(Dynamic *dyn,
                       char[] name, void delegate(...) dg)
   dyn.fields[name] = dg;

void AddDynamicMethod(Dynamic *dyn,
                       char[] name, void function(Dynamic*,...) func)
   // this requires that you have some curry() template function.
   // Various people have written 'em.
   dyn.fields[name] = curry(func, dyn);

void AddDynamicVariable(T)(Dynamic *dyn,
                            char[] name, T val)
   // this works on 2.0 because 2.0 now has automatic closures
   dyn.fields[name] = delegate void(...)
                       // confirm that the varargs parameters are correct
                       assert(_arguments.length == 1);
                       assert(_arguments[0] == typeid(T*));
                       T *retval = va_arg!(T*)(_argptr);
                       *retval = val;

void Call(TPL...)(Dynamic *dyn, char[] name,TPL args)
   assert(name in dyn.fields);

// this requires explicit template instantiation, as GetVar!(type)()
R CallWithRetval(R,TPL...)(Dynamic *dyn, char[] name, TPL args)
   // this uses the convention, for simplicity, that delegates that have
   // retvals will pass them using pointers as their first argument.

   R retval;
   assert(name in dyn.fields);
   dyn.fields[name](&R, args);
   return retval;

// this also requires explicit instantiation.  This is identical to
//'s just syntax sugar to make things clear.
R GetVar(R)()(Dynamic *dyn, char[] name)
   return CallWithRetval!(R)(dyn,name);

sclytrack wrote:
> Make D a dynamic language.
> struct, class, dynamic.
> Introduce a dynamic type in D. Where you can add methods to it at runtime.
> Speed should be less of an issue. Provide a simple syntax in D to make the
> method calls.
> var obj = new CustomDynamicObject();
> obj.doStuff();
> //not checked at compile time since it is dynamic. doStuff might not exist,
> but it still compiles.
> obj[x] = 10;   //Support for the usual syntax.
> /me hides

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